I'm searching for a chance to actually be happy when it's not just an act.
And then it comes back at me again. Things that don't concern me.
And yet everyone jumps at me hoping that I'll solve everything.
I've had enough of this.
Enough of doing everything for everyone else.
Enough of this acting being happy.
Enough of going against my grain for someone else.
Whom of which pays none in return.
I've ferried all your troubles, that of which exceeded my vessel.
I've taken all your bullshit as thanks.
My patience is wearing thin,
I cannot take it.
Not with out him.
I don't miss you, but I wish you were here.
I'm envious of your life, yet I don't want to be you.
Without you it's Hell.
And I'm burning within it's flames.
I can't wait 'til it's over, not long to go.