Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009
Why do the things in our life change so frequently,
without our permission.
Why must everything be in the same order as everyone else.
Why must everyone judge a person because what they're doing or what they look like isn't what they'd define as "normal."
Why is everything the way it is.
Why are we here?
Why must everything appear so boring.
Why did I do the things I did.
Why am I doing them?
And why did this random blog appear out of nowhere when I logged on?
Saturday, October 10, 2009

And then you get that awful feeling in your stomache?
I am constantly feeling that now.
It could be just that I'm deprived of sleep and/or sugar.
Or is it because I have nothing.
Nothing to do.
Almost all my friends hate me.
I have nothing to look forward to.
All I have are these paranoid thoughts that something bad is going to happen. Something deadly. I realise it's just paranoia but I can't seem to shake them off. In this bored state that I am in I have nothing but to do but think. And when I think I think these thoughts and these thoughts I think make me think of thoughts of death.
Although it's not all bad. I still have a person I can rely on. And he makes all these thoughts that I think seem insignificant.
He is my hero,
my anti-drug,
my best friend,
my only friend,
my brother.
And at the moment he's all I care about. I don't want ANYTHING to happen to him and all I can care about is that he's happy.
I love you nii-sensei. ^:-:^
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
All the hatred, all my worries.
Are gone temporarily.
I know it will return very shortly.
But even in this short break,
I feel something's not quite right.
The feeling that everyone's angry at me somehow.
The feeling I did something I shouldn't.
Even though I didn't.
The feeling that I'm being blocked out, ignored.
The feeling you get when even the most simplest of things seems to harm you.
Is this paranoia?
Or am I just insane?
Perhaps it's both.
Something's not right. And in my current isolation I cannot find out what.