And then you get that awful feeling in your stomache?
I am constantly feeling that now.
It could be just that I'm deprived of sleep and/or sugar.
Or is it because I have nothing.
Nothing to do.
Almost all my friends hate me.
I have nothing to look forward to.
All I have are these paranoid thoughts that something bad is going to happen. Something deadly. I realise it's just paranoia but I can't seem to shake them off. In this bored state that I am in I have nothing but to do but think. And when I think I think these thoughts and these thoughts I think make me think of thoughts of death.
Although it's not all bad. I still have a person I can rely on. And he makes all these thoughts that I think seem insignificant.
He is my hero,
my anti-drug,
my best friend,
my only friend,
my brother.
And at the moment he's all I care about. I don't want ANYTHING to happen to him and all I can care about is that he's happy.
I love you nii-sensei. ^:-:^
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